EVoting: Electronic Remote Elections and Voting, Feasibility and Implementation


David Foster, Laura Stapleton


dlfoste2@oakland.edu, lastaple@oakland.edu


1. Background and Motivation


Research Problem and Importance -- How to implement and allow, safeguard, guarantee, authenticate, verify internet elections.  Exceptionally helpful for disabled and handicapped, elderly, and absent voters (such as overseas military, traveling businessmen, college students), and the public in general.

Challenges -- Hardware and Software.  Bandwidth, verification & authentication, security, public trust, storage and integrity of data, reliability, availability, technology/protocols, cost, cyber trust.

Objectives (exploration space) -- Provide database confirmation of personal voting choices, secure verifiable voting methods and policies, and overall analysis of current (as available and accessible) comparable online voting, and related secured systems (method or theory, if not magnitude):  SoS, Vehicle Registration Renewal, Fafsa, TurboTax, current Electronic/Internet Voting techniques and solutions.


2. Proposed Methodology

 Possible solutions (ideas):



3. Expected Contributions

 Outcomes:  Select, design, or create a proposed remote voting system that maintains confidentiality of individual voter’s selections while maintaining a secure list of individuals that have voted. Also, provide a reliable means for recounts and feedback to the voter that the correct selections were properly recorded.

Contributions: To be determined according to schedule after specific topic has been chosen.

Impacts: To be determined according to schedule after specific topic has been chosen.


4. Targeted Conference/Journal

Journal:  IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, IEEE Computer Society Press.

Conference:  http://www.comsoc.org/iscc/2006/  --International Symposium on Computers and Communications

http://tangra.si.umich.edu/clair/sigmod-pods06/pods-call.html  --25th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART SYMPOSIUM ON PRINCIPLES OF DATABASE SYSTEMS


5. Organization of the Project and Project Management

5.1 Research Team

David Foster began at Oakland University as a Ph.D. student in Systems Engineering in 2004. Since 2001, he has been a lecturer in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Kettering University in Flint , MI , where he teaches Digital Systems and Microcomputers. His primary research interests include embedded systems and sensor networks with growing interests in computer architecture and fuzzy logic. David earned his Bachelors degree from Kettering University with a major in Electrical Engineering and minors in both Applied Physics and in Applied and Computational Mathematics, and was awarded Kettering University 's President's Medal upon graduation. He completed a Masters of Science in Computer Engineering with a specialization in Hardware from the University of Michigan . He worked in the Process Computing group at the AK Steel Corporation in Middletown , OH for three years, and spent a year and a half at Delphi Automotive Systems working with electrical power steering systems. His strengths include programming, Matlab, and simulation and testing, and research. His primary weakness is a lack of prior experience with security systems and current.

Laura Stapleton began studies at Lawrence Technological University in the Electronics Engineering program in 1989, and has worked for several high tech companies such as Jabil Circuit, Coltec Automotive, Methode Electronics, PG Design, and Continental Teves and Check Corporation.  Her main focus of work is Hardware/Software Verification  and Printed Circuit Board Design, mainly for the automotive and pc manufacturing sectors, always working with and for the brightest and most talented design engineering teams-- from prototype to final production.  Laura has been programming, building and repairing PC's since the dawn of the Atari, and TRS-80, beginning with BASIC at age 13.  She earned her bachelors at Oakland University in 2005, and began studies at Oakland University for Masters of Science Information Systems Engineering.  Her main skills include networking (personal and computer), web design, software testing (os, embedded apps), pcb layout & schematics, and pc security on a home system level, as an aside, business aspects such as entrepreneurial skills, management, finance and accounting.  Her primary weakness is sleeping before 7am, and waking up before noon, although her debugging and logic skills are contributory awake, or in sleep mode.

Capability of finishing the project as a team.  At  this time, there are no foreseen difficulties in reaching project completion.


5.2 Research Plan 




Background research of current methodologies



Selection of one (or more) specific topics listed in Section 2: Possible Solutions









Generate Report



Generate Presentation




5.3 Project Management

Responsibility of each member:

Duties are according to the table in section 5.2 Research Plan. Both members are very similar in capabilities with regards to this project, and therefore initially split responsibilities equally. It is expected that as the project progresses and subtasks are generated that they will be delegated to a specific team member according to ability and available time. Files and materials will be stored in a location accessible to both, and each can work as their schedules allow.


The team will meet weekly Monday evenings following class, in addition to email throughout the week apprising each other of progress and issues.



University groups  


Corporate Research




 Page Last Updated:  Sunday, March 19, 2006 06:48:31 PM